Respond to time-off requests

The following methods are available from the schedule to respond to, edit or add comments to, a time-off request.

Use one of the following quick actions to respond:

What : Approves a time-off request or a request to cancel an approved time-off request .

How : Select a submitted time-off request and click Approve .

What : Refuses a time-off request or a request to cancel an approved time-off request .

How : Select a submitted time-off request and click Refuse .

What : Cancels a time-off request.

How : Select a submitted time-off request and click Cancel .

Note: Depending on your system configuration, you may not have access to cancel time-off requests for employees whose jobs are not included in your employee group on the date that is being modified.

To use the time-off request glance right-click on a time-off request and then select one of the following responses:

Note: Depending on the current status of the time-off request some actions are unavailable in the glance.

Click Approve in the time-off request glance.

Click Refuse in the time-off request glance.

  1. Click Edit in the time-off request glance.
  2. Complete one or more of the following:
  3. To edit the requested time:
    1. Select Edit next to the requested time.
    2. Change the vacation dates by selecting the Edit next to the entry you want to change.
    3. Select the Dates.
    4. Select the Duration.
    5. Select Deduct from.
    6. Select Review .
    1. Select Add Another Period .
    2. Select the Dates.
    3. Select the Duration.
    4. Select Review .
    1. Select a comment from the drop-down.
    2. (Optional) Add a note.
    3. Select Add .

    Click Cancel in the time-off request glance.

    Note: Depending on your system configuration, you may not have access to cancel time-off requests for employees whose jobs are not included in your employee group on the date that is being modified.

    1. Click Add Comment in the time-off request glance.
    2. Select Add Comments and then select Add Comment.
    3. Select a comment from the drop-down.
    4. (Optional) Enter a note.
    5. (Optional) Select Add Another Note and enter a note.
    6. Select Add .