Documents: English

These documents are for you to use as a guide - these are a summary of materials written about the search committee process and based on experiences and insights gained from church search committees, which have been through the process. Each church is responsible for its own procedures under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Complete Pastor Search Committee Manual

Search Committee Helps for Initial Planning: Sample Documents

  1. Church Self-Study
  2. Minister Search Committee Questionnaire (for Church Survey)
  3. Compensation Worksheet for Personnel Costs
  4. Church/Minister Compensation Agreement
  5. Minister Search Committee Expenses
  6. Code of Ethics/Covenant for Minister Search Committee Members
  7. Comparison of 3 BF&Ms: 1925, 1963, 2000
  8. Minister Profile

Search Committee Helps During Search Process: Sample Documents

  1. Personal References Permission Form
  2. Personal Reference Information Form
  3. Background Check Authorization
  4. Employee Background Checks
  5. Questions Search Committee Should Be Ready to Answer
  6. Pastor Sermon Evaluation Form
  7. Questions Search Committee Might Ask Prospect
  8. Pastor/Church Covenant

Sample Letters

  1. Acknowledgment of Résumé Received
  2. Initial No Longer Considered
  3. Continued Consideration As a Candidate (included Reference Contact Permission Form)
  4. Second Evaluation: Different Direction at this Time
  5. Letter to References
  6. Personal Reference Information Form
  7. Final Notice: No Longer Considered - Position Filled

For more information, please contact Karl Fickling at Karl.Fickling[at]

You are free to copy this material for the use of your committee. Permission is not given to reproduce any portion of this guidebook for sale.