How to Save Excel as Image: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Saving an Excel file as an image can be a handy trick when you need to share data or charts with someone who doesn’t have Excel. Here’s a quick guide: First, select the area you want to save as an image. Next, copy it and paste it into a program like Paint, where you can save it as an image file. Easy as pie, right? Let’s dive into the details!

Step-by-Step Guide to Save Excel as Image

This section will walk you through the steps to convert your Excel data or charts into an image file. By the end, you’ll have a clear image file of your Excel content ready to share or use as you see fit.

Step 1: Open Your Excel File

Open the Excel file that contains the data or chart you want to save as an image.

Make sure the content you want to capture is visible on your screen. This ensures you can easily select and copy the exact area you need.

Step 2: Select the Area

Click and drag your mouse to select the cells or chart you want to save as an image.

Be precise with your selection to include all the necessary data. You can also use the Shift key for larger selections.

Step 3: Copy the Selected Area

Press Ctrl + C to copy the selected area.

Alternatively, you can right-click and choose "Copy" from the context menu. The copied content is now on your clipboard, ready to be pasted elsewhere.

Step 4: Open a Graphics Editing Program

Open a graphics editing program like Microsoft Paint.

You can use other programs like Photoshop or even Word, but Paint is simple and available on most Windows computers.

Step 5: Paste the Copied Content

In your graphics editing program, press Ctrl + V to paste the copied content.

Ensure the pasted content looks good and is formatted correctly. You can adjust the size or position if needed.

Step 6: Save as Image

Go to the "File" menu in the graphics editor and select "Save As." Choose your preferred image format, like PNG or JPEG.

Give your file a name and choose a location to save it. Click "Save," and you’re done!

After completing these steps, you’ll have an image file of your selected Excel content. You can now easily share, embed, or use it in other documents.

Tips for Saving Excel as Image

Here are some additional tips to help you perfect the process:

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I save an Excel file as an image?

Saving as an image makes it easy to share data with people who don’t have Excel. It also ensures the data can’t be altered.

Can I save multiple charts as one image?

Yes, select and copy multiple charts. Paste them into a graphics editor and arrange them as needed.

What if my image quality is poor?

Check your zoom level and resolution settings in the graphics editor. Higher settings generally result in better quality.

Are there any online tools for this?

Yes, several online tools can convert Excel files to images, but manual methods offer more control over quality and content.

Can I edit the image later?

Yes, you can edit the image in any graphics editor. However, any changes will not reflect back in the original Excel file.


  1. Open your Excel file.
  2. Select the area.
  3. Copy the selected area.
  4. Open a graphics editing program.
  5. Paste the copied content.
  6. Save as an image.


Converting Excel data into an image is a straightforward process that opens up various possibilities for sharing and presenting your information. Whether you need to include a chart in a report, share a snapshot of your data with a colleague, or simply keep a visual record, knowing how to save Excel as an image can be incredibly useful. For further reading, explore more advanced features in Excel or discover other creative ways to present your data. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to experiment with different methods until you find the one that works best for you.

Matt Jacobs has been working as an IT consultant for small businesses since receiving his Master’s degree in 2003. While he still does some consulting work, his primary focus now is on creating technology support content for

His work can be found on many websites and focuses on topics such as Microsoft Office, Apple devices, Android devices, Photoshop, and more.