Go Green

Deutsche Bank AG, India has taken several initiatives to protect the environment at a corporate level to recycle and to limit the usage of perishable resources. For instance, by sending your statements in envelopes made out of reusable paper, we have made a small difference for a better tomorrow.

We can do more together. Partner us in our Go Green initiative by choosing not to receive paper statements. When you switch to an e-statement, you save a tree.

Your statements are also available to view and download through db OnlineBanking. Of course, you can always request for a paper statement as and when required by you*. We would also be sending you a year end summary paper statement for your records

You can place your request by:

If your e-mail ID has changed recently, you can update the same in the following ways:

*Charges as per applicable SOC.

#Customers outside India need to dial +91 22 6601 6601. Customers in Mumbai can also call at +91 22 6601 6601. Call charges apply.